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12 mins daily Mindfulness will increase performance!

If you're someone who feels they get distracted easily and this effects your daily and / or athletic performance. You are not alone. The Joe Rogan Podcast below featuring Dr. Amishi Jha gives us a fascinating insight into attention. Guess what? As a human species we all get distracted that is one element that keeps us safe from predators in cave man times. But here's the thing we can greatly improve our attention and therefore performance with a simple 12 minute per day programme. And that's not all! This session will also greatly improve your mental health and wellbeing.

Dr. Amishi Jha is a professor of psychology at the University of Miami. She serves as the Director of Contemplative Neuroscience for the Mindfulness Research and Practice Initiative, which she co-founded in 2010.

Neuroscientist Amishi Jha studies how to keep the brain’s attention systems in peak shape over high-pressure intervals. In her laboratory at the University of Miami, she uses functional MRI, electrophysiological recordings and behavioral analysis techniques to understand why our attention sometimes fails us, and if it can be trained for greater focus and less distractibility.

In 2008, Jha launched the first-ever study to offer mindfulness training tools to active duty military service members as they prepared for deployment. What she has discovered over the past 10 years of research on this topic is that without intervention, soldiers’ attention and working memory are compromised, and their attentional lapses increase. She has found similar patterns in students and athletes, too.

The good news is that engaging in mindfulness training to cultivate greater present moment awareness protects against these effects. Her research is continuing to explore how attention can be trained for optimal performance and well-being. In this podcast, Jha unpacks how attention becomes vulnerable under stress and the mechanisms that allow it to be strengthened with mindfulness training.

Enjoy and here's to a healthy mind!

Link to Joe Rogan podcast on spotify

TED talk video


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